Let's find what's unique about you

And brand the hell out of it.

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Branding is what allows the people who align with you see and recognize you as one of their own. I’m here to help you with that.


Just enough to get started

Budget friendly option for people who want to hit the ground running with their new business.

Starting at $997
Timeline: 1 week

☞ Visual Direction
☞ Logo
☞ Color Palette
☞ Typography Curation
☞ Mini Brand Guide

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I’m all in.

A fully fledged brand identity, which will leave you feeling confident in your business and attract customers who align with your values.

Starting at $2500
Timeline ~ 3-4 weeks

☞ Brand Strategy
☞ Visual Direction
☞ Logo Package
☞ Color Palette
☞ Typography Curation
☞ Graphic Elements
☞ Brand Book

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Hello web traffic!

Create a home for your fresh and strategic brand online. Your customers will leave with a clear understanding of who you are and what you can do for them.

Starting at $4000
Timeline ~ 5-6 weeks

☞ Everything in the Essential Package
☞ Custom web design and development
☞ Website tutorial
☞ 1 month Web Support

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Follow-worthy in no time

Carving out your section of social media gives you an immense advantage. Building an audience not only attracts customers but gives you credibility. A strategically branded aesthetic will immediately communicate your values and attract your crowd.

Timeline ~ 8 weeks

☞ Everything in Internet Dominion package
☞ Custom design components and layouts
☞ Social media template library

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Kristina’s Magic begins with her ability to draw your personal creative expressions and it ends perfectly with a wave of her wand.

- Caleb, The Village Coffee

The Process



After a discovery call we agree we’re a good match for your project. You are introduced to your easy to use client portal where you fill out a brand questionnaire. We then do a deep dive into your brand and determine the visual direction.



After agreeing on a visual vocabulary the design process commences. Based on our strategy meeting, I create your brand, package it up and present it to you. Here we go over any revisions, if needed.



You are in love with your new brand identity and can’t wait to release it out into the world. You receive a package containing all of the files and leave confident in your brand strategy.

Ready to make your idea a reality?

Book free Discovery call